This bird is also called ‘The Cardinal’ or ‘redbird’ and is one of the most popular songbirds in North America. Their slowly dwindling numbers are giving concern and in some areas, they...
Category: Birds of America
The Purple Finch is a dear little bird and looks somewhat like a British Robin but it has a color scheme like no other. It’s a ‘passerine’ or perching bird and is a member of the Finch...
Birds of America – Everything You Need to Know About the Downy Woodpecker
The Downy Woodpecker, (Latin name, Picoides pubescens) is the smallest of all woodpeckers found in North America. It is very acrobatic and often frequents garden feeders and parks. Here’s...
The American Robin (with the glorious Latin name of Turdus migratorius) is also known as the North American Robin. You may be familiar with the fat, bright, scarlet breasted European Robin which...
Birds of America – Everything You Need to Know About the Blue Jay
The Blue Jay (Latin name Cyanocitta Cristata) is a passerine bird, which is an ornithologists term for a bird that perches. If you don’t live in America, you may have never heard of it. ...